Thursday, October 2, 2008

Walk the Line

The morning is off to a nice start. Made eggs and toast, yes, my domestic skills (or lack thereof) do show themselves sometimes. I went for my annual physical this week and had to get a tetnis shot-my arm still kills.

I was just reflecting on insecurity and fear. I have been mulling it around lately and wondering what life experiences cause us to become insecure. It is something I really struggle with. I have to push it out of my mind. Confident and demanding girls seem to have little problems with attaining what they want and keeping it. I try to pretend sometimes I am really that confident, but in all reality, I am so not. I'm not sure if it is a series of being rejected in your life that heightens insecurity, or if I just have a low self esteem sometimes.

Well anyway, working on cleaning up some code for a site I'm finishing up, and I need to pay my license plate renewal.:)

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