Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Have you ever thought you cared for someone more than you really did? Strange feeling. You're upset that you aren't more upset. The sense of loss seems like it should be much more. The mind..it is a strange thing. The tears are fleeting. They don't quite vibrate your heart like you know to be true when it is broken. The experience of your world shattering isn't there, for which you are both grateful and yet somehow feel like you need to dig deeper for it. Maybe if you marched around the walls a few more times they would cave in and shatter finally...but alas...it doesn't come. The discovery is almost disappointing, but yet you are relieved that you will not be keeping Bigby and Kleenex in business for the next 3 months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I understand what you're saying...I've been there before...